My coffee obsession

I love coffee. Okay, I don't just "love" coffee, I'm obsessed with coffee. I would walk several miles uphill both ways for the perfect brew. I have to have coffee every morning and just about ever evening. I don't know when this began, in fact I can't pinpoint a specific time in my past where I said to myself, "From this moment forward, I will want to drink coffee each and every day until I die." I didn't begin drinking coffee until I was in college at Michigan State, and back then it was only for the caffeine and not for any real enjoyment. At the time, I had no taste in coffee, and I thought that the powdered flavored crap was actually rather fancy and classy. I can still remember late nights boiling water in an electric water pot and mixing in that dreadful caffeinated powder. My most intense memory of drinking coffee in college took place in March 1989: Winter term finals week. That term, I took a political science class that deal...