Bargain Bin Finds #2: The Edgar Winter Group--They Only Come Out at Night

Way back on November 29, 2009, I published the first installment of "Bargain Bin Finds". It was intended to be the first in a long series of record reviews in which I philosophized and pontificated about whatever cool record or CD I found somewhere on the cheap. Though I've periodically intended on finally publishing #2 in the series, it never actually came to pass. Well, you need not wait anymore, because at long last I bring to you a brand new "Bargain Bin Finds". Several weeks ago, my 10-year-old and I were at Schuler Books & Music (a place with which, if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know I have a long and close association--and absolutely adore). Of course, the second we walk past the bargain CDs, I was like a moth to flame. I spied The Edgar Winter Group's They Only Come Out at Night and my son saw it and immediately exclaimed with horror, "That's creepy!"--which I found funny because it's...