My Charlie Watts story

Charlie Watts, drummer of the Rolling Stones, sadly and unexpectedly died on August 24. I thought I'd take this opportunity to share my Charlie Watts story: As I have probably already mentioned on this blog--or maybe not--I became a casual Stones fan in the mid '80s when I bought, at the local Woolworth store, K-Tel's cheapo two-volume Story of the Stones cassettes. (If I hadn't been such a spend thrift at the time, I'd have saved my lawnmowing and babysitting money and bought the Hot Rocks compilations, but I was too shortsighted to do that). By the time I got to college, I became more immersed in the Stones and, upon discovering the existence of used record stores, grabbed as many Stones albums as I could. This is when I acquired Out of Our Heads , Aftermath , Some Girls, and several others. By 1992, I was firmly established as a fairly big Rolling Stones fan. That year, I'd forked over what was then a significant amount of money for The Singles Collection: ...