More ramblings to clog up cyberspace

For several months, I have debated whether I should join the ranks of the millions of bloggers in cyberspace. Does the world really need one more person to blather on and on about their likes and dislikes, neuroses, and daily minutiae? Finally, just yesterday in fact, I decided the answer was "Yes." I think I may have some observations that some may find interesting or at the very least, somewhat entertaining.

I have kept a journal for fifteen years, but have increasingly found it less than inspiring. I also seem to spend way more time on the computer than actually writing with pen to paper (due in part to the fact that I get terrible cramps if I write for too long). I finally decided to just take the plunge. (Okay, I will allow that cliche to remain, but will make efforts to avoid them in the future!).

If anyone is actually reading this, let me tell you what you should expect--or at least what I envision (as I quietly tap this while the rest of my family sleeps at 1:26 AM. I know my wife will be asking me what the heck I was doing up last night). I will invariably write about popular music and sports (with particular emphasis on the Michigan State Spartans and Detroit-area sports teams). I can tell you right now that the best blog I have read on the subject of music is Flowering Toilet (hosted by Blogspot, as a matter of fact). I don't know that my musical observations will be as good as Flowering Toilet, but I'll try. I'll also write a little about my own life--probably limiting it to slice-of-life vignettes of a 40-year-old married guy with two young sons (probably nothing too racy). I may even through in some left-leaning political diatribes.

Ultimately, I will simply allow this blog to evolve into its own form. I just want to have another outlet for personal expression and hopefully contibute something fun, entertaining, and enlightening to the world.


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