Cast your vote for Obama

Allow me to take a break from football for a second and get on my political soapbox.

On Wednesday, Barack Obama and John McCain had their third and final debate. Perhaps I'm a tad biased, since I'm an unapologetic liberal, but I continue to be impressed by the stately and, well, presidential, demeanor of Barack Obama. I have also been consistently struck by how angry John McCain always seems to be: angry at Obama (whom he treats like a wayward adolescent) and angry with any nation or leader who dares disagree with the United States. Do we really need or want an angry President?

I will be casting my vote for Obama for one basic reason: I agree with his beliefs and do not agree with those of McCain. That is why I have voted for Dukakis (lost), Clinton (won twice), Gore (lost), and Kerry (lost). (As you can see by that record, being a Democratic supporter is not too much different from being a Spartan football fan).

If you're reading this post, and you're still undecided about who to vote for, let me put it to you this way: The administration of George W. Bush has been pretty much a dismal failure. This country has gone from being loved by the world (in the aftermath of 9/11) to being essentially loathed by the rest of the world a mere seven years later. I happen to believe that our standing with the rest of the world matters. I also want to see a presidential administration that believes diplomacy is a better way to solve problems than going to war. And, while we're on the subject of war, I am tired of the Iraq War and want our brave soldiers to come home to their families. So, in conclusion, if you are actually happy with the Bush administration, than go ahead and vote for McCain--but if you're like me and believe that we simply cannot take four more years of failed Republican policies, then please cast your vote for Barack Obama.


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