One last post for January

I have been so neglectful of this blog. It's very sad. I know I've complained in the past of "not having enough time to write." That's only part of the problem, the other part is that when I'm on the computer, I usually waste entirely too much time on Facebook, spend way too much time reading the latest gossip and barroom chatter on the MSU Spartan fan sites, or just generally goof around too much aimlessly surfing the net. Darn it, I should be taking time to satisfy my legions of fans!

I'll just take this time to write about some random things:

Tomorrow, my wife and I are actually going to a grown-up movie for the first time since we saw "The Dark Knight" in, oh my gosh, July? Since then, I've been on a steady diet of kids' movies. I've seen all three of the talking dog movies ("Beverly Hills Chihuahua," "Bolt," and "Hotel for Dogs"), and others including "The Tale of Despereaux," and "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa." (For what it's worth, "Despereaux" almost put me to sleep. My favorite of those I mentioned, for pure entertainment value, is probably "Madagascar 2." However, tomorrow evening we'll be seeing "Slumdog Millionaire." Since it may be my only opportunity to see an adult-oriented film in the theater for who-knows-how-long, I may as well see the one that is getting all the hype and winning all the awards. To be honest, I think I'd rather see "The Wrestler," but I've got to see if "Slumdog Millionaire" is worth all the acclaim it has received. If I'm sufficiently motivated to do so, I'll give a full report in here tomorrow night.

If I may return to the subject of Facebook. I wrote a little about my addiction to it a few months ago in here, but didn't really go in depth. I think I check my profile at least three times per day. Frequently, it's the first thing I do when I get home from work. That's completely insane and I wish there was some sort of twelve-step program to end the madness. Facebook has its own unspoken, unwritten protocol that I've been trying to master since I created my profile back in August. "Friend requesting" is sort of a dance--kind of like asking someone out on a date. Should you talk them up a little before taking the plunge? Right now I'm struggling with a sense of unpopularity because nobody has "tagged" me in this silly "25 things about me" thing that has been going around. I'm thinking, "what, nobody wants to know 25 things about me?" Totally ridiculous, I know. In a weird way, Facebook has only brought forward all the insecurities and need to be popular that I felt as a teenager. I should be way too old to care about that crap anymore.

Ugh, it's 12:30 at night now, and I'm feeling the need to either go to bed or waste time on Facebook. So long for now.


Pete Bilderback said…
I think a lot of people go through this. Facebook does remind me of a Jr. High School popularity contest in many respects. Keep in mind that it is not really "real." I mean how many of a given person's 250+ "friends" will be there for them if they develop cancer and lose their health insurance? Precious few I'd say. What really counts is your relationships with those you are genuinely close to.
Anonymous said…
Hi Pete, thanks for reading and commenting! I, too, try to remind myself of the essential superficiality of Facebook. The most important people in my life ARE my immediate family.

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