On my way to Chicago with thoughts of the Final Four in Detroit

Tomorrow, we are taking the train to Chicago for a four-day mini-vacation. We'll be taking the kids to some of the museums and maybe do a little shopping. Naturally, we'll have to be in our hotel room by 6:07 sharp to catch the Michigan State-UConn basketball game.

Lots of excitement this week with the Final Four in Detroit. If the Spartans win tomorrow and make it to the National Championship game on Monday, there will be a big part of me that will be bummed that I'm not in the Lansing area to witness the ferver. Then again, if State loses tomorrow, Chicago should offer a good buffer zone from the disappointment.

Whatever happens tomorrow with the game, it has been a great year: Big Ten title and Final Four. I'd love to the see the Spartans make a run at the championship, but don't want to get my hopes up. The key as a fan is to always prepare for the worst, so if the result is positive, it make it all the sweeter.

Well, time for me to hit the hay. I have to get up early tomorrow.


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