Bring on Fall

For the first time in a month, I feel like I can breathe. My son is recovering from his knee surgery, and I feel like I can look forward to some (trivial) things that I gave little thought to while we were filled with anxiety over his health situation.

First of all, it's almost football season. Well, not almost football season, it actually has already arrived with the NFL pre-season, my fantasy football draft this past Sunday, and the beginning of Michigan's high school football season this previous Friday night.

As anyone who has read this blog knows, I'm much more of a college football fan than pro or high school. I'm optimistic about the 2009 Michigan State season. I don't know if they'll equal last year's 9-4 campaign, but I think they should at least finish in the upper half of the Big Ten and go to another bowl game. It should be interesting to see how the quarterback battle goes, and who, if anybody, stands out at running back.

Part of football's appeal for me is that it takes place during the fall, which is far and away my favorite season of the year. I love the chillier temperatures, the crisp air, the changing colors of the trees, apple cider and donuts, the homecoming parades, the Spartan Marching Band, and Halloween. September 2 is my oldest son's birthday, and this date has become my official signifier that autumn is upon us. (Yes, I know that fall doesn't officially begin until late September, but I don't go by the official date).


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