A tragic week

Shortly after the euphoria of the Michigan football win, we learned that a friend of the family died tragically, and quite unexpectedly, at the age of 34. She had just given birth to a son the previous week, and died of a massive stroke exactly one week later. The details are so tragic and sad that the more I think of it, the more depressing it becomes. She left behind a husband of thirteen years and three children (an 11 year-old, a 10 year-old, and the newborn baby who will never know his mother).

I think I've already given out too many details. I struggle with how much information I should put in this blog (and if you've noticed, I don't generally use personal names in here). How personal do I want to make it? Do I really want to put deeply personal information out there into cyberspace? Then again, if I'm going to blog, and make it a little more than recaps of football games and other trivia, then it makes sense to let whoever is actually reading to know where I'm coming from. I want the readers to know that more goes on in my life than sports, music, books, and a little more sports.

I've decided not to go into too much further detail about our friend's death, except to say that we attended her visitation on Tuesday, and my wife went to her funeral on Wednesday. My heart breaks for her husband, her children, and her parents, with whom I have become close since I married my wife almost ten years ago. (These are the sort of close family friends one "inherits" through marriage, but they're kind and generous people and certainly don't deserve this tragedy--not that anyone deserves it).

That's what I've dealt with this week, hopefully the immediate future will see brighter days.


David Nelson said…
Sounds like your week sucked. Hopefully this week is better. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Mark said…
Thanks for your thoughts, Dave.

I keep meaning to write a fun entry in this blog, but never seem to get around to it. Hopefully in the next few days.

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