Galarraga's near perfect game: a lesson in sportsmanship for us all

Like every Detroit Tiger fan, I was shocked, disappointed, and at least somewhat angered about how Armando Galarraga's bid for perfection ended last night.

I must admit that I did not see any of the game. I was talking to my mom on the phone and, after our conversation ended, happened to be browsing on one of my favorite "news sources," Facebook. The Detroit Tigers posted an update stating that Galarraga had a perfect game through eight innings. I practically leaped from my computer chair, made a mad dash ten feet to the closest television (in our bedroom), and flicked it on--only to discover that the game had just ended. The postgame had started and Galarraga was being interviewed. The score appeared on the screen a few seconds later and I saw that Cleveland had gotten a hit. I soon discovered that his hit was made possible by umpire Jim Joyce's missed call at first base.

Thus began a night that consisted of me investigating, reading, and chatting on every sports-related site I could find on the web. I also spent some time bantering back-and-forth with various Tiger fans on Facebook. When I tired of this, I studied the replay of "the play" ad infinitum as if it was the Zapruder film. This wasn't too difficult, as it seemed that ESPN showed the replay about six times per hour from about 11:00 PM until way after I finally went to sleep.

As one can imagine, the rants by the fans ranged from the conciliatory (but rare) "it's only a game, let's move on" vibe to the more frequent sentiment of "Fire Joyce's ass, he sucks." I'd have to put myself somewhere in the middle. To suggest Jim Joyce be fired over a missed call is, of course, completely ridiculous. (Unfortunately, the main instigator of the "grab the pitchforks" mentality was a certain mid-Michigan sports radio show host who shall remain nameless).

Amidst of all of the fans' vitriol and the commentary from various sports pundits decrying the injustice of it all and the need for instant replay in baseball, the two people who showed the most decency and class were Armando Galarraga and Jim Joyce. (I should also mention that the other Tiger players, and manager Jim Leyland, were extremely diplomatic about the blown call).

Armando Galarraga, the one person who has a right to be the most angry and disappointed, has been an absolute prince. His sportsmanship should be a model for all of us.

Jim Joyce displayed a great deal of strength and bravery in admitting his error and apologizing to Galarraga. Galarraga's warm response to Joyce's apology is nothing short of heartwarming.

The lesson in all of this is that, if Galarraga and Joyce can let bygones be bygones and move on, then we all should be able to do so.


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