Keweenaw Vacation and...are you ready for some football?!

On Wednesday, we returned home from five days spent at Fort Wilkins State Park in Copper Harbor, Michigan.

The weather was the hottest that I've ever experienced in the Upper Peninsula, with highs in the upper 80s and low 90s from the day we arrived (August 27) until we left (September 1). All the locals I spoke to in the Keweenaw Peninsula, and especially Copper Harbor at the very tip of the peninsula (I've got to be careful spelling that word--a couple missplaced letters and it appears a bit naughty) said it had been an extraordinarily hot summer up there.

We stayed in a cabin near the state park's boat launch. I wish I'd spent more time hiking the trails around Lake Fanny Hooe, but could never seem to rouse myself out of bed in time to take advantage of the solitude and cooler temperatures.

Despite the hot weather in the UP, it was a good vacation and I was happy to be able to reunite in Baraga with my Aunt Anne along with my cousin Joe and his wife Katy. They ordered Irene's Pizza (in my opinion, one of the best pizza places anywhere) and we had a nice few hours of visiting.

I managed to take some photos of Ahmeek, and old copper mining town north of Calumet. One of these days--put it on my "Michigan bucket list"--I want to tour the Quincy Mine and take some extensive photos of the small hamlets between Calumet and Copper Harbor, such as Phoenix, Allouez, and Mohawk (as well as a few more of Ahmeek). These old mining towns are fascinating.
We headed back for home on Tuesday, August 31, crossed the Mackinac Bridge and stopped for the night in Mackinaw City. I had not spent any significant time in Mackinaw City since the '80s and I was stunned by how much the place has changed. Gpne are the old mom-and-pop 1950s motels with the little swimming pools and shuffleboard and in their place are the Best Westerns, Holiday Inn Expresses, and Baymont Inns. Downtown Mackinaw City is now catered to the upwardly mobile yuppie vacationer. I miss the kitchy old Mackinaw City of my youth.

I could go on about this vacation, but I think I've covered the highlights. Enough for now.

Football is starting soon and it's a cause for celebration. As usual, I have no idea what to expect from Michigan State, nor the Detroit Lions. It could be a good season for MSU and a respectable season for the Lions, but that remains to be seen.


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