Post-Holiday blahs

It's ridiculously late on a Sunday night, and I really should be going to bed because I need to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow morning to go to work, but here I am typing away on my laptop and watching the meaningless third quarter of the inconsequential Bowl (yes, that's really its name) featuring powerhouses Northern Illinois and Arkansas State.

The holidays are over and now begins the slog threw the the winter months.  The strange thing is we have no snow here, and it really feels more like late March than early January.

The immediate aftermath of the Christmas holiday is always difficult for me.  There is so much buildup and anticipation for Christmas, with all the attendant good cheer, bright lights, and general excitement.  Then once the holidays pass, I'm left thinking to myself, "That's it? It's over?  Wow, did that go quick.  Now what?"  I just took down the lights in front of our house and it left me feeling a bit melancholy.  I still have a sad looking Christmas tree in my living room that really needs to come down.  There are few things in life more pathetic than a Christmas tree that has outlasted its welcome, not to mention its natural lifespan.

I have no choice but to cut this post short right now.  It's now past midnight and I seriously need to get some sleep or I will absolutely hate myself at work tomorrow.


Karen said…
I think you're not alone with the blahs. You can't even call them the winter-blahs without a real winter! Our tree is still up too....everyday I think...ah...just one more day :)

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