A few thoughts about the Second Amendment and Facebook (hell of a combination)

At home with a sick kid, watching A.N.T. Farm on Disney Channel.

I'm still thinking about Friday's horrific mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, though I have done my best to avoid the news and I reflexively turn away when I see school photos of the little children who were murdered. I just can't take it.

Like I wrote in my previous post, I am cynical and question whether anything will be done legislatively after this incident. Is it that much to ask why ordinary citizens need to own semi-automatic weapons? Here is how I see it: Those who argue that it's perfectly fine for civilians to own semi-automatic assault weapons are those who swear by the Second Amendment, and are also distrustful of the federal government (the "tyrannical government") and feel that they need these weapons in the event that they need to defend themselves from the government if and when it becomes "tyrannical." To be blunt, I think there is a lot of (unjustified and irrational) paranoia, particularly with a black president (with an "un-American" name) currently in office. I don't mean to suggest that all Second Amendment supporters are anti-government racists, but I don't think it's preposterous to suggest that at least some of them are.

As far as the Second Amendment goes, the world is not the same as it was in 1791. What sort of firearms existed in the late 18th century? Muskets? The early days of rifles? Certainly no automatic weapons that could take out dozens of people within minutes. Perhaps it's time for our Constitution to adapt to changing times. Is that suggestion too radical?


After news of the Sandy Hook shooting went viral on Friday, Facebook heated up. The discussion became intense, and by Saturday morning I decided that I'd had enough with Facebook. I felt in danger of losing friends, mainly my right-leaning friends, but even a few of my lefty friends. It was time to step away from Facebook. I am now on day three of my Facebook sabbatical/moratorium, and I don't want to post anything until Christmas. I plan on posting a "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" status update and continuing the moratorium for as long as possible. I have wasted far too much time on Facebook and I'm going cold turkey, trying to break the addiction.


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