Breaktime walk thought #1 (or at least the first one I've ever published in this blog)

Things I think about when I'm taking a walk:

What possesses someone to want to be president of the United States? Certainly has to be someone with a "type A" personality. Someone who has an ego the size of Washington, D.C.: after all, if you run for president, you have to believe that you have what it takes to make a mark on history, and are the best person in America to be leader of the free world. Shrinking violets need not apply for job of U.S. president.

I couldn't be president. Don't have the personality for it (and certainly don't have the money to run, anyway). I'm most definitely not a type A personality, closer to a type C, (whatever that may be--I just made it up). Plus, the idea of half of the country hating my guts is not so appealing. Think about it, roughly 100-150 million people probably don't care for you. Of that number, maybe 10 million wouldn't mind seeing you dead. That sounds like a pretty horrible existence. Just the thought of ONE person hating my guts bothers me. I couldn't deal with millions, I'd never be able to sleep.

Anyway, that's what I thought about yesterday while taking one of breaktime jaunts.


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