Breaking Bad finale and some other stuff

The last episode of Breaking Bad was tonight, and it was a thoroughly satisfying end to a great television show. That's all I will say, because I don't want to give away any spoilers, though I'm sure my blog is the last place anyone would go to for Breaking Bad information. Now I'm watching the post-show wrap-up, Talking Bad, and it's touching to hear Jonathan Banks saying that in his 46 years of acting, this is the best experience he's ever had, or "as good as it gets" in his words.

Gearing up for my second 5K next Sunday (October 6) on the Michigan State campus. I'm happy to say that the shin splints are a thing of the past and I'm feeling pretty good, or as well as my 45 year-old body ever feels when running. My goal for this 5K (the Dino Dash) is to at the very least best my time from Ele's Race. More than that, though, I really want to crack the 30 minute mark. For an experienced or good runner, that wouldn't be a problem. I'm still a novice, and trying to at least be a respectable runner for my age.

I do have to keep in mind the very reason I got into running in the first place: to get into shape. That seems to be working well. I've gotten the weight down to about 190 pounds, which is the lowest my weight has been since at least 2000. I'd estimate I've lost at least 20 pounds in the last five months. (I haven't really been paying that much attention to my weight, but I know that I feel a hell of a lot better and I think I look better).

Getting late, gotta go to bed.


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