Winter weariness

It's cold here.

Bitter cold, single-digit cold. don't-want-to-leave-the-house cold.

This is the craziest, snowiest, iciest, coldest winter I can remember. But then again, winters tend to blend together into one big winter and none of them ever really stand out after awhile. If you were to ask me what the winter of, say, 2006 was like, I couldn't tell you. I have no recollection of it.

Anyway, this winter has put a serious crimp on my running regimen. I haven't run since Sunday afternoon and I feel as if I'm already turning into a slug. I don't normally go more than two days without running and now it's been four days. It's just too damned cold to go outside and do anything, and the only time I can run during the weekdays is when the sun is down--and there's no may I'm running when it's dark and the temperature is in the single digits. I may have to wait until Friday afternoon to run again, as I'll have some time during sunlight hours to go out.

I don't know if any of this is the least bit interesting to any of you out there, but hey, it's my blog, and that's where I'm at right now. This horrible weather is bringing me down and I'm officially through with winter--and there's still two more months of it.


David N said…
I agreed with your sentiment then and one month later I still agree only more so.

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