Happy New Year

I've been ridiculously negligent towards this blog this year. I'd make a New Year's resolution to rectify that, but I doubt I'd stick with it.
Anyway, I wish anyone who reads this a happy 2015.
2014 was, overall, a decent year for me. My running continued and, knock on wood, I feel in good health. I hope this continues, and I certainly wish the same for all my family and friends. Once one gets to my age (46 going on 47) good health is no longer something to take for granted.
I don't know what else to write at this point. I will try and get to this blog more often in 2015, but won't guarantee anything.  I did receive a tablet for Christmas, which I am determined my kids won't touch, so that may encourage me to blog more.
So anyway, have a great new year, and I hope you all celebrate New Year's Eve responsibly. I doubt anyone reading this blog is a party animal. I, for one, plan on simply having a few drinks at home and going to bed at about 12:15 am.


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