A ten-minute update

I have a few minutes to spare, so I thought it might be a good opportunity to drop in and say hello, while also making an attempt to not be a stranger to this blog. I have about ten minutes, so I'm here to try to crank out ten minutes of content.

As usual, I'm experiencing both the "post-Holiday blahs" and the "pre-birthday blues." I'm rapidly closing in on birthday #47 (on March 1) and I have to tell you that with each passing year they become less and less exciting. Actually, that's an understatement. I think the last time I was truly excited about a birthday was when I turned 21. It's been downhill ever since. Thus, the two month period between January 1 and March 1 tends to verge between boredom and anxiety.

What makes it slightly more bearable is that my younger son's birthday is on February 26, so at least the focus is more on HIM and less on ME. This year in particular will be eventful because he hits double-digits.

Looking at the clock and I have three more minutes to crank something out.

We went to see Selma last weekend. It's a very good movie, despite whatever historical inaccuracies it may have. It always makes me laugh when people gnash their teeth over Hollywood not getting history "right." For gosh sakes, people, these films are dramatizations, not doctoral dissertations. My feeling has always been that if a dramatic film based on a historic event/person can get the casual viewer to investigate the subject in more detail, then that film is a success.

My ten minutes is up.


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