Why does Trump want to be president, anyway?

Why does Donald Trump even want to be president?

He is the oldest person ever inaugurated, at 70 years of age. He is about one year older than Ronald Reagan, who was 69 when he was sworn in. (I haven't bothered to do the math).

Trump has a 10-year-old son. Any ordinary, normal man of his age--with the apparent financial freedom--would downscale on the work hours and dote on the child.

But Trump is not an ordinary 70-year-old man. In all of his tweets, his interviews, his performance in debates, Trump has continually demonstrated emotional immaturity and an unhinged vindictiveness.
Donald Trump wanted to become president not because he cares about the American people, but to get even with his enemies. And his enemies are numerous: CNN, The New York Times, Meryl Streep, the "liberals" in Hollywood, the entire Democratic Party, some of the Republican Party, and pretty much anyone who is not white and male.

In one week, he has shown himself to be nothing more than a fascist, with the worst fascist of them all, Steve Bannon, as his right-hand man.

We are entering dark, frightening times in this nation, and I am not overreacting.

This is not merely "liberal" versus "conservative" or "Democrat" versus "Republican." This has become "rational" versus "irrational," "inclusion" versus "xenophobia," "love" versus "hate."


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