Trump kinda sorta condemns racists

So Trump finally came out and "condemned" the Charlottesville racists. I am not congratulating him.

He only did it due to pressure.

He did nothing all day Sunday.

It took Trump two full days to kind of, sort of "do the right thing" and, let's face it, he only did it because of the justifiably terrible fallout he experienced on Saturday and Sunday. I do not believe there is an ounce of sincerity in his words.

If ever there was a litmus test for Trump's true feelings about racism, and how he would respond to overt expressions of racist violence, it was on Saturday in Charlottesville. Trump failed miserably.

To make matters worse, after he finished with his statements yesterday, he blew up at a reporter and reverted to his usual petulant child mentality. This guy absolutely cannot make it through a single day without making an ass of himself.

That's where we are right now. I'm sure by tomorrow we will have moved on to some new inanity with this ridiculous administration.


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