Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I am trying hard not to live in a state of constant anxiety, but Coronavirus is here and it's terrifying. The entire nation is in complete upheaval.

There are many horrible and frightening aspects of this pandemic, but the worst might be not knowing how this plays out. How bad will it get? When is the endgame? How many people die?

Naturally, I fear for my family and friends (more than myself, truly). But I also don't wish this disease on anyone.

The only way I can deal with it right now is by writing about it in this blog.

I am already a person prone to depression and morose thoughts, so this is a particularly bad time. Just the last few nights, as COVID-19 has hit reality in a big way (it never should have taken us this long to take it seriously) I have not been able to sleep the last few days.

Maybe now that this is our "new reality," we will simply learn to cope with it and the panic will subside to some degree. I also hope that in lieu of a vaccine (which is likely a long way off), treatments can improve as the virus is better understood. (Or maybe they are as good as they can get--I'm no scientist).

So, we need to learn to live in this new reality. A world without sporting events, concerts, and large gatherings for the foreseeable future. As disappointing as it may be, it is far better to err on the side of caution than take any risks. If a large amount of people become infected in a short period, our healthcare system will be overloaded. That would be a disaster.

I may post here and there a bit more often than before. Wishing everyone health and happiness in these difficult times/


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