Two months of "shelter in place"

I feel as if I've settled into a routine now. The "new normal" is just "normal." With the pandemic still continuing with no end it sight, this normal will also continue with no definite end in sight. I say no "definite" end in sight because my workplace's tentative plan is to slowly open back up after Governor Whitmer's stay-at-home order expires on May 28. Of course, if she extends it, then that goes out the window.

I am in no hurry to go back into the public. As long as there is no effective treatment or vaccine for this horrible Covid-19 disease (and whenever I read about it, Covid-19 sounds like a disease out of a horror movie), I would much rather stay at home and limit my outdoor adventures to the bare essential trips. I will work and stay at home for as long as necessary. I do not want to put myself or my family in any unnecessary risk.

I have been spending my time editing and correcting ebook and eaudio records for the library, which is about as exciting as it sounds. It keeps me busy and makes me feel as if I can contributing in some small way. And honestly, I never realized how bad these records looked until now. They were in desperate need of editing and correcting. None of them have call numbers or genres, many don't have subject headings, and there is other incorrect or missing information.

This has also been the time that I have received an "anime education" courtesy of my older son. We have been watching a lot of Japanese anime. So far, my favorites have been the moody noirish Cowboy Bebop and One Piece. If you have any interest in epic Odyssey-like tales (with a healthy dose of goofy comedy), I highly recommend One Piece. One caveat however, at over 900 episodes, it will probably take you at least three years to watch it. We are probably at about episode 60.

So what else have I been up to? I have been running and walking through my neighborhood. That is my form of exercise. I am sure I have probably mentioned that in previous posts. Not too many people outside at one time, so plenty of space for physical distancing.

I am also currently reading a long, informative, but plenty dishy biography of David Bowie. It's called David Bowie: the Oral History (by Dylan Jones) and I am finding just the sort of escapist read I need right now. As for the dishy part, let's just say I know way more about Bowie's sex life than I ever wanted or needed to know. Thankfully, there is enough about Bowie's music and creative process to counterbalance all the stories about drugs and fucking.

That's all I have for now. Stay safe,everyone


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