One week until the election (he said while trying not to pee his pants in fear)

We are exactly one week from the election and I am scared shitless. Yes, I have heard that Biden is ahead, but I have no faith in polls anymore. 2016 traumatized me so much that I don't want to hear about polls. I practically run away in fear when I see or hear mention of any presidential poll.

For one thing, are Trump supporters even answering the phone when the pollsters call? And if they do, are they being honest?

We have a system in which the electoral college determines who becomes president. Popular vote is practically meaningless. If Biden doesn't get votes where it matters the most (Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois in particular) it may not mean anything. He can win California and New York easily but still lose the election.

So I am hoping for the best but bracing myself for the worst. I am not sure how the country can survive another four years of Trump, and I hope that most people are just tired of him. Clearly, his cult will not be swayed. They are not even worth trying to reach. They need to conclude for themselves and on their own that Trump is a con man. They certainly won't listen to us "libtards."

I am simply hoping that there are enough reasonable people who have become weary of this four-year shit show and are ready for a change.




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