Some thoughts the day after Election Day

I'm trying to figure out what this "Day After the Election" most closely resembles: 2000 or 2016.

2000 in that we don't know who won and aren't entirely sure when we will find out who won--and it's possible that if Trump wins he will take the White House ONCE AGAIN without a majority of the popular vote. That would be three times in the last six presidential elections that the winner will not have the majority of the popular vote. Surprise, surprise: all three are Republicans.

2016 in that many of us are thinking: who in their right mind would vote for Trump? It actually feels worse in 2020 than it did in 2016. I could almost understand the impulse four years ago to go with the outsider (even though it should have been clear to anyone with a shred of decency that Trump was/is a charlatan). But four years later, the Trump presidency was as bad or worse than I envisioned it in 2016, yet this election will likely go down to the wire.

The bottom line is that white people continue to disappoint. The Republican Party under Trump has fully embraced being the party of white grievance and they have a captive audience.

So I am on pins and needles right now. I am incredibly disappointed that this election is as close as it is. It speaks poorly of us as a nation.


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