A somewhat non-political post

This will not be a political post, I promise. I'm sure all three of my readers might be tired of my rants. (But honestly, the Republican Party has lost its fucking mind?).

In mundane personal news, I set a modest goal on Goodreads of reading 15 books this year and I finally reached that goal. And now, I've padded that total one cartoon book (does that count?) to make the total 16. Maybe I can cram in one more book before the end of the year.

I must admit that the book that got me to 15 was volume 2 of the One Piece manga. However, I did read a "real" book that I finished reading on Monday. The book is Confessions of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell: Here is the review I wrote on Goodreads:

A breezy and often humorous diary of Shaun Bythell, a second-hand bookshop owner in bucolic Wigtown, Scotland. Bythell's book shop (and small community) is populated with eccentric employees and customers.

Beyond the lowkey humor, this is an illuminating view into the difficulties second hand book shops (or all brick-and-mortar book stores, for that matter) have in surviving a world dominated by online shopping and retail behemoths like Amazon.

Recommended for book lovers and anyone who has worked in the book business.

What I didn't mention was that as of last Saturday, I only had two days left of my library checkout period and couldn't renew the book, so I had to read about 300 pages in two days, which I somehow managed to do. It was a miracle.

Well, seeing as how I am writing this at work and I am off the clock and should be heading home, I will cut this short and--maybe--return later.


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