Chauvin verdict briefly revisited

 I meant to post an update on the Chauvin trial, but never got around to it.

On the day of the verdict (April 20), the coverage coincided with my drive home from work. I was nervous the entire 16 mile trip, as I anxiously awaited for the jury and judge to enter the courtroom. Literally, as I pulled into the driveway, the judge and jury had entered and were ready to deliver the verdict. Coincidentally, L. and D. had arrived home too at that same time. We all remained in our respective cars waiting for the verdict. When Chauvin was found guilty on all three counts, I (perhaps embarrassingly) reacted as if my favorite sports team had defeated a heavily favored arch-rival. 

I am not sure whether this is a harbinger of the future, or just an anomaly because it was so freaking obvious in that video that Derek Chauvin was a murdered. It's entirely possible that cops will be able to continue on indiscriminately beating the hell out of and/or killing people when they feel like it, but my less cynical self would like to think that this will finally change. We shall see...


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