Anxiety of a new school year

It has been to long since a blog post.

Today is the first day of school for our younger son (who is starting 11th grade), so there is a good deal of anxiety and trying to get used to the change of routine. And then there is that Covid thing that just lingers like a moxious and unwanted dinner guest. 

Our son feels anxious and I know that both his parents do. It doesn't help that younger son is on the autism spectrum, so changes in routine and ventures ("adventures?") into the unknown are twice as hard as they are for "neurotypical" folks.

Like almost every other kid in America, he spent the entire school year of 2020-21 in virtual learning. It did not go well for him, and I suspect it did not go particularly well for the majority of students out there. Kids really need to learn in person, which has made this pandemic doubly terrible in how it has made conventional school so hard to sustain.

I just hope for a healthy year with little (or how about NO) incidents of of Covid. That is probably asking too much. Please let's just have a better year than last year.


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