Hello Cold War, My Old Friend...

[Warning: foul language sprinkled throughout].

I naively thought we were over this Cold War shit back in about 1990 when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union was finally exposed as essentially a paper tiger.

But now, added onto a global pandemic, climate change, and general political unrest in our own country and the world, why not throw some good old-fashioned mutually assured destruction into the mix. 

I feel terrible for the people in Ukraine, but am also sad for the children and young people of the world who have to live on this absolute shit show of a planet.

I am angry that one unbalanced tyrant in Russia is able to wield so much power over the world. The threat of nuclear annihilation and not having any clue what Putin will pull if confronted by NATO make this a tenuous and stressful situation.

And on a more personal level, my older son is trying to carve out a life in Germany and now this crazy Russian motherfucker decides to destabilize Europe. (I readily acknowledge that my problems and annoyances pale when compared to what Ukrainians and other European citizens are dealing with).

I don't pretend to be an expert on Russia/Ukraine history. I'm merely using this blog as a place to vent my frustration.


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