Welcome to the TSA (Theocratic States of America)

As everyone knows by now, Roe v. Wade was struck down by our ultra-conservative Supreme Court on Friday, defying the will of--if the polls I have seen are accurate--approximately 67 percent of Americans.

We are officially living in a minority-rule, ultra-conservative, theocratic, authoritarian hellscape. Democracy in the United States is on life support. This nation is a joke and should deservedly be a laughingstock to the rest of the world.

The only way we even begin to get out of this is if the American electorate hits the polls en masse in November and votes the corrupt GOP out. But it's not enough to simply vote, folks on the left have to let the right know that we will no longer tolerate their brazen thuggishness. 

If we can't force these authoritarian theocrats out of office and send them scurrying into the rat holes where they belong, they will not stop trying to mold the United States into their own "ideal' society. One in which straight cisgendered white men are dominant and everyone else subservient. Goodbye gay marriage, and even more shockingly and absurdly, goodbye birth control. This is the truth and no amount of gaslighting from the right will make me believe otherwise. Gaslighting has been one of the right's primary tools in achieving their goals thus far.

For anyone unaware of this blog who thinks I'm some kind of hot-headed naive kid, let me set you straight--I've already taken 54 trips around the sun. I'm old as dirt. I lived through the Reagan years and the Bush years (both Senior and Junior). Those eras were no picnic but are child's play compared to the right wing's current reign of (t)error. (Hey, I managed to fit two cliches in one sentence--not bad!).

It's funny to think back on the civics and American government classes I took back in high school and how my teachers stressed that both our Constitution and checks and balances of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches ensured that nobody had too much power. (Somehow the teachers also tried to convince us that the electoral college was beneficial too, but I was never convinced of that). Perhaps this is all true in theory, but we have seen the cracks and fissures in our federal government when unscrupulous people are allowed to take power and exploit the system for their own selfish gains.


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