Of Corrupted Debit Cards and Bizarre Movies

In today's excitement, I discovered my debit card has become corrupted yet again, so I need to get a new debit card for the second time in less than a year.


I was home alone this evening, which meant it was "watch a weird movie" night. So after I had finished dealing with all the debit card bullshit (I STILL don't have a new card--gotta do that either tomorrow or Saturday), I watched the "experimental horror" movie Skinamarink. How do I describe this flick? It was made on a shoestring $15,000 budget, and is more eerie than scary. It plays like a fever dream one might have when one is sick. The film is comprised of mainly static images on incredibly grainy film stock. As far as plot, it is basically about two young children who are left alone at home during the night--or are they? It's hard to tell what exactly is going on. Are the kids imagining this? Is one of the kids imagining this? Is there a demon that is inhabiting the house? We do see ghostly images of the father and mother, but they are only shown sitting perfectly still on the edge of a bed and we don't see their faces. In fact, we never see the faces of the two children (Kaylee and Kevin), but only their feet and pajama-clad legs as they walk about the dark, grainy, utterly bizarre and unsettling house. My description doesn't do the movie justice because it's such a difficult movie to describe. Nothing much happens in the movie, and there is little to no action. The dialogue consists mainly of the children, in their small little kid voices, saying, "I'm scared," or "Dad?" (Trigger warning: if frightened children or kids seemingly in peril is not your jam, then you might want to avoid this. That said, it's hard to tell for certain if anything bad actually happens to the kids--the movie is so ambiguous that it leaves it up to the viewer to decide if the strange, unsettling, disorienting events in the house are real or a nightmare).

The bottom line is: I am not sure if I liked Skinamarink and I don't know what to make of it, but it's definitely one of the oddest movies I've ever seen. I have a feeling I will be thinking about it for days.


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