Saturday, July 13, 2024

Redd Kross

I find it continually amazing that even in my, er, "advanced age" (well into my 50s as of this writing), I still find music that I either never knew before or never noticed, and that music knocks me off my feet and gets me suddenly obsessed.

Redd Kross, the 45-year-old post-punk/power pop/glam rock/neo-psych/garage rock band from Hawthorne, CA is the latest example.

I'm not a complete newbie to Redd Kross. I have been aware of them for decades, and I'm pretty sure that in my 1990s bookstore day, a musically hip co-worker must have slipped a Redd Kross song on a mixtape they made for me. (I will have to check). Lately, Redd Kross has come across my path several times. The music writer Dan Epstein, who I follow on Facebook, has a biography of the band coming out in October, the band has a new documentary that's getting attention, and Redd Kross's highly-lauded new album (the eponymous Redd Kross, aka "The Redd Album," complete a cover that mimics Beatles' "White Album" sleeve) has been in my feeds. All of this eventually converged in my consciousness, and the tipping point was a post in which Dan Epstein praised the album Neurotica as being a formative record for him. "Okay, that's it," I thought, "it's time for me to investigate this Redd Kross."

I checked out a video of the song "Neurotica" on YouTube and was immediately sold. It was definitely one of those "where the hell have I been?" moments. Then, I had to stream Redd Kross on Spotify shuffle. Once more...blown away. Every song felt like exactly what I needed at that moment. The exuberence, the verve, the humor, the joy, and the fun were like a salve. The day I streamed Redd Kross was the day the Supreme Court issued their insane opinion about Presidential immunity. I was feeling depressed and needed the healing that Redd Kross provided.

The streaming led me to ordering a used CD copy of Neurotica, followed by nabbing the new album from FBC. Just yesterday, I ordered a used CD of Phaseshifter, another album that feels like music made in a laboratory specifically for me.

I should also mention that in a recent interview I heard with the McDonald brothers (the two guys who are the heart and soul of Redd Kross) they spoke fondly of my other boys Sloan. If you praise Sloan, you are a friend of mine.

So the Redd Kross deep dive is well under way. I'll let you know when I come up for air.

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