Happy New Year!

2024 was challenging and the election results were disappointing, to say the least. Four more years of Trump is guaranteed to be harmful if not downright disastrous, so 2025 will not be any better from a political standpoint.

That said, we can still use the year to take pleasure in small things. Enjoy books, music, movies, art, walks in your neighborhood, time spent with friends and family. Eliminate toxic elements from your life. That could include some or most of social media or people who offer nothing positive. Feel free to take breaks from the news if the news causes you distress.

Remember that you have no control over how the ignorant and uninformed among us think or vote. It is of no use stressing out over them. Focus on what you can control, namely yourself and your immediate surroundings.

I wish all of you who read this blog the best 2025 possible.


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