
Once again, I am writing this on our new favorite toy, the Dell Studio laptop computer that we recently purchased. I'm sitting in our living room with the family. Blade Runner is on in the background. I've never had a laptop computer before (am I officially the last person on earth to own a laptop computer?), so I'm having to get used to using my finger as a mouse and, in fact, just realized that the two "space bar" thingies under the "mouse pad" are part of the mouse. (Boy, this is exciting, isn't it--hope you haven't fallen asleep reading this).

Today, we had my wife's family over for a "three birthdays in one" party. My youngest son's birthday is on February 26, my birthday is tomorrow, and my sister-in-law's birthday is on March 4. Luckily, my son's birthday deflects attention from the two adults' birthdays, which is fine with me. I think after you turn 30, birthdays cease to be exciting.

Even at age 41, though, I can get pretty excited about birthday presents, although only on the inside. Outwardly, I pretend that I don't really care that much. This year has to be about the best years I've had in a long time as far as good birthday presents. (Yes, in some respects I'm 41 going on 14). My sister-in-law came up big with the "Watching the Watchmen" book. (Thanks Kellee, Michael and Julia--awesome book and much appreciated). She recently joined Facebook and noticed that my profile picture is Dr. Manhattan. She asked my wife if I liked Watchmen and my wife said "yes, indeed, he does like Watchmen."

Back when my wife and I went out on our "date" to see Slumdog Millionaire, she asked me point blank if there was any music I wanted for my birthday. Well, asking me if I want music is like asking a a hungry lion if it wants a slab of meat. I already have hundreds of LPs and CDs, but can always think of something I want. Anyway, I named off some old albums I had that I got rid of during the "Great Cassette Purge of 2002." To make a long story short, my wife got me Neil Young's "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere," 10,000 Maniacs' "In My Tribe," and the Smithereens' "Green Thoughts" (all cassettes I stupidly purged back in 2002).

Other cool gifts I received: a new spring jacket and cordless drill (along with drill bits) from my wife's parents. (They're always good at getting me practical things). My wife also got me a great book called the "Real Photo Postcard Guide." I plan on using this book while writing my Michigan State University postcard history book. The piece de resistance is this sweet laptop, that will be enjoyed by my wife and myself.

A few weeks ago, MSU Press gave me the official green light to get started on the postcard book (I believe I mentioned it in one of my first blog posts). My first deadline is June 1, and I really need to get cracking on this. It seems like the last few weeks have been packed with activity, and I haven't been able to spend any time on the project. With a full-time job and two small kids, I wonder when I'm going to be able to work on this, but I have to find time. Hopefully, this laptop will make things easier. That said, I will have to find time to spend conducting research at the Library of Michigan and MSU Library and Archives.

Wow, I've spent way more time writing than I expected. I hear my kids losing their minds so I'd better get back to my familial duties.


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