"Slumdog Millionaire" and other stuff

I need to make this brief, since I really should go to bed--because I need to get up for work in, oh, five hours!

Had a date with my wife yesterday evening and it was wonderful. So great to get away from the kids for a few hours and actually have a chance to talk and hang out, just the two of us. After a nice dinner at Mitchell's Fish Market, we DID go and see "Slumdog Millionaire" and both enjoyed it. However, now that I'm the father of two boys (ages 7 and almost 4) I have developed a REALLY HARD time watching movies that depict violence towards or abuse of children--and there is a lot of it in this movie. I'm no expert on modern day India, but assume that the film is reasonably accurate in its depiction of the struggles of the country's underclass. In any case, a very good movie deserving of the acclaim it has received--and, to tell you the truth, I was so darned glad to be seeing a "grown-up movie" for a change that it probably could have been "Mall Cop" and I'd have been satisfied.

Bummed out about the Spartans' basketball loss today--I take this stuff way too seriously. Still, two straight losses at the Breslin Center (first time that's happened in 10+ years) is hard to take.

Thoroughly entertaining Super Bowl and GREAT half time show by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. Thank you Super Bowl for catering your recent half time shows to the "35 and older" crowd, I appreciate it.

It was nice not really caring who won, it allowed me to just kick back and enjoy what was an exciting game. Having driven though Pennsylvania several times and spent some time there, I've grown to appreciate the passion those folks have for football and their Steelers, so it didn't bother me to see Pittsburgh win (even though this was their sixth win--it would have been fun to see the underdog Cardinals get their first).

Am I the only person who doesn't really give a rip about the Super Bowl commercials? Everyone makes a big deal about what innovative, funny, and/or entertaining commercials will beaired during the Super Bowl broadcast. To me, commercials during any sporting event are either a distraction or an opportunity to visit the bathroom. Plus, it seems that recently, these Super Bowl commercials try SOOO hard to be funny or witty that they end up simply becoming incoherent or actively annoying.

Another beef, and I know I'm beating a dead horse with this, but for crying out loud why can't anyone just sing the National Anthem without trying to turn it into a gospel or R&B song? I know I probably sound like "grouchy middle-aged white guy," but I long for the days when the song was sung boring and stiff, completely devoid of any note-bending and melisma on every bloody syllable. There, I'm done complaining.

Thanks for tuning in, now I must try and get some sleep so I am not a zombie tomorrow.


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