Been so long, I almost forgot my password!

Hi everyone, I'm still alive!

I thought I'd take a few minutes between watching the Preakness and going outside to plant some sod in the backyard to say "hi" to all one or two of my loyal readers out there in cyberspace.

It's been one busy April and May for me. Between my oldest son's chess tournaments, soccer games and practices, baseball games and practices, and other sundry kid and school-related stuff, not to mention my Facebook obsession (which takes away valuable time that I could be spending doing important stuff like blogging), I've not been able to write anything in here.

I really don't want to write in here if I don't feel like I have anything interesting to say. I don't know if writing little hodgepodge posts is all that interesting to anyone. Then again, nobody really reads this blog, so what difference does it make?

Today, after my son's early morning soccer game, I got to go out by myself and drop off my lawnmower to get the blades sharpened at a place just down the road from me. Don't worry, I'm not going to write about that (even though I'm sure it sounds utterly fascinating). Being out, alone, with no kids, meant that for at least a little while, I could do what I wanted to do. So, between dropping off the lawnmower and doing the other "important" thing on my errands list (going to the supermarket to pick up milk, grass seed and other boring sh*t), I stopped off at my favorite "toy store for grown-ups," Schuler Books. Now, I used to work at Schuler Books (and in fact still moonlight there from time to time for extra money and to get the store discount). I saw some of my bookstore friends, browsed the music section for awhile, and bought the new Michael Zadoorian book, Lost Tiki Palaces of Detroit. I thought about snagging the new Bob Dylan CD, but didn't. Instead, I picked up Taj Mahal's Giant Steps, which I saw in the $7.99 bargain bin.

Remember me going on about the new Tragically Hip album, We are the Same? I ordered it from Canada and got it in the mail about three weeks ago. I've been listening to it, along with the rest of the Hip discography, pretty much non-stop for the last month. More on that later.

Okay, don't know that this post was interesting at all. Probably not. Gotta go outside and plant some sod now. See ya later.


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