Re-acquainting myself with Michigan's state bird: the mosquito (and other exciting thoughts)

First day of the Memorial Day weekend, and the mosquitoes are out in full force in our yard. Those buggers are everywhere, making yard work an adventure. This is what happens when one lives in a community, Okemos, that was essentially built over swampland.

I was able to mow the front yard, but the backyard will have to wait until tomorrow. Our neighbors, a young couple maybe in their late twenties or early thirties, are having a pleasant evening in their backyard, playing a game with the tiki torches going. I don't want to disturb them with my loud lawnmower. Besides, at this point it's nearing eight o'clock--too late to start anything new. I'm sure all of this is fascinating! Hope I'm not lulling anyone to sleep.

I'm trying to devise of some future blog entries. I've entertained the thought of doing some reviews of some forgotten gems in my music collection. Recently, I've discovered the $7.99 bargain music bin at my favorite music retailer in the area, Schuler Books and Music. The fact that I also get an employee discount on top of that makes it doubly nice. (Yes, I am one of those old-timers who still buys CDs. I understand the appeal of downloading music, but I still get a thrill of actually holding the music in my hand). I've found some fun old stuff in this bargain bin that I once owned on cassette, but purged of. Stuff like the first Georgia Satellites album and Midnight Oil's "Diesel and Dust." Anyway, I thought it might be fun to write about some of these old gems with a little revisionist spin. For example, most people who even remember the Georgia Satellites will immediately think of their novelty hit, "Keep Your Hands to Yourself." Truth is, there was lot more to that band than that song. So, keep your eyes peeled for my reviews of musty old albums from the eighties.

And now for something completely different: Dick Cheney needs to shut his yap. Cheney spouting off about the inadequacies of the Obama administration is akin to Matt Millen telling Martin Mayhew (current Detroit Lions general manager) how to run a successful football franchise. Dick (what an appropriate first name), do us all a favor and go away.


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