Germany, Day five

(In the Halle train station [hauptbahnhof, I think that should permanently be part of my German lexicon]).

Wednesday was a essentially a "recovery day" from Berlin.

Avery and Calder seemed to want to spend time together, which was fine. 

Lynda and I went out for a walk through sunny and humid Halle in the early afternoon. We sat down in Joliot-Currie-Platz where we saw a guy pick up a bottle, dip it in the fountain, and drink it. Almost made us physically ill watching it. Maybe he's immune to dirty fountain "wasser."

We wandered a bit more and stumbled to B12 Musics again. (No, it was not planned, I swear). I found a CD compilation of the 1980s East German punk band Namenlos and the shop clerk--about my age--lit up. In his halting English (hey, better than my non-German-speaking ass) talked about the lead singer and how (if we got it right) someone he knew had been her "loverboy" (in his words). I couldn't catch everything he said, but he was excited. I said I hoped to return to the store again some day and he said we were welcome anytime.


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