Back at work for the first time in 89 days

My 89-day stay-at-home stint is now over. I am back at work in downtown Lansing for the first time since March 13.
My workspace looks hermetically sealed in plastic. We have disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, and must wear masks whenever we are outside our cubicles. Unless I am walking down a corridor or in the break room, people generally appear as ghostly shadows through the plastic sheeting surrounding my cubicle.
This is the first time I have been in Lansing since March 13. Almost three months--and I live only eight miles from the city. This is the longest period of time I have not been in Lansing since--I am guessing--1991.
It would be an understatement to say it feels strange. If you've ever read Nineteen Eighty-Four or seen the movie adaptation, you'll remember Winston Smith's tiny cubicle at the Ministry of Information. That is what this feels like. Okay, not quite as bleak perhaps, but not too far off. Definitely closed off. But better safe than sorry, as the cliche goes. I'm happy that my employer is taking our health seriously, even if it makes work depressing. Hell, this whole coronavirus pandemic is depressing on multiple levels.
I like to walk on my breaks, and went out walking for downtown for the first time since, well, the last time I was at work in March. Unsurprisingly, the streets are fairly deserted. I saw where windows had been broken during the demonstrations that took place in Lansing several days ago (honestly, since all the days blend together, I can't even remember when the demonstrations were. Two weeks ago I suppose?). I was heartened by the encouraging messages written on many of the boards.
I have washed my hands probably 20 times today and disinfected my work area at least a few times. There are about 40 minutes left in my first day back in almost three months, so back to work I go.


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