End of the month thoughts

One thing I have been thinking recently: Is Trump really stupid, or is he just very smart in pretending to be stupid. I'd say he is street savvy and not book smart (at all). I doubt he's read a book in his life, and his father bought him his degree from Penn. I could further go off on this piece of shit occupying the White House, but I think you all know how I feel about him and honestly right now I don't feel like wasting any more time writing about this racist, bloated sack of shit.
Covid-19 cases are back up. Did we re-open too soon? Are the people who are "over it" (or were never "with it" to begin with) to blame? Of course, the vacuum in leadership in Washington contributed to this and continues to contribute to this disaster. And as this pandemic has sadly shown, we are largely a nation of spoiled arrogant fools.
And now that Covid-19 is seriously kicking our asses again, we have re-entered a phase in which I am paranoid about everything. I am now wearing my mask at work about 90 percent of the time: always when I am in open/public areas (which is what we are supposed to do) and even when I am in the "plastic bubble" known as my work cubicle.
Speaking of work, was I ever actually away from work for three months? I'm been back here almost three weeks and that stay-at-home time already seems like a long time ago. Of course, I am concerned that if numbers continue to uptick here in Michigan, the library will have to be put in mothballs again and we'll be home for who knows how long.
I am cranking this out during my lunch break at work, one of the few times I am sans mask. Only a few minutes left until I am back on the clock, so I will press the "publish" button...


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