Random thoughts about our current shit show

Bars in Florida opening to soon and people getting sick. Americans are selfish and stupid, reflected in the selfish and stupid president.
Things I miss: stopping by Replay Exchange or Flat, Black & Circular after work. Replay is closed and, though FBC is open, I just don't feel ready to hang out at a record store right now. In fact, there is no place I feel like "hanging out" right now.
I have taken several days between the first part of this post and now. Friends and family are all that are keeping me from losing my mind.
Where to even start. The COVID-19 cases continue unabated in this country, and have I mentioned that our "president" is an utter disgrace? We aren't simply the laughing stock of the world, we are flat-out pitied by the world. I never thought I'd live to see the day when the United States was pitied by the global community.
Alright, enough ranting for now.
What else is in the news? How about Aunt Jemima finally going away. First of all, how in the hell was Aunt Jemima even still a thing in the year 2020? And though it seems like the vast majority of people have no problem with Aunt Jemima being pitched into the dustbin of history, it's amusing to hear some white people behave as if they have some sort of emotional attachment to Aunt Jemima. Puh-leeze!
It feels like every twenty years or so, we need to be woken up from our American amnesia and realize that there is plenty of racist and/or problematic garbage that needs to be dealt with. In the past, we (I should probably specify "white people") fall asleep again. It remains to be seen what happens this time. My hope is that real change takes place. 
Okay, that is enough for now. I will send this missive out into a cyberspace.


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