A little Christmas stress

I'm feeling a bit fried tonight because I stayed up too late last night. That said, I still need to get my 10,000 steps in before I go to bed and I have about 917 to go. Those 10,000 steps can be reached from pacing back in forth in the kitchen while listening to a podcast. Yes, I actually pace back and forth in the kitchen if I need to get the steps in and I can't get outside to do it. It's too late and too cold to go outside and walk.
I admit, I'm a weirdo.

The weather is calling for a wicked snowstorm to hit the Midwest on Friday, which just happens to be the day that older son is scheduled to fly in from Germany. I am, of course, worried that he'll either get stuck in Washington, DC at his layover stop, or that his flight(s) will get cancelled/delayed. I suppose we'll "cross that bridge when we get there," to use that well-worn cliche.

I also feel that along with the slight rise in Christmas spirit, the annual Christmas stress is battling the spirit for supremacy. I am so tired of the constant quest to make the holiday "perfect" and trying to satisfy everyone's wants and needs. It's impossible, and not ever worthy of the attempt. Yet, we do the same thing every year. Even when the stated goal is to "downsize" and "minimize" on Christmas, it never seems to happen.

So on this sour note, I'm out for now...


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