My Saturday

For today's installment, I will simply recount my activities for the day, or at least the highlights.

I have managed to watch four different sports today: football (soccer), football (American), basketball, and now hockey. Perhaps there is an Australian league baseball game I can watch later to add to today's variety of sports.

I caught the end of the Morocco/Portugal World Cup game (won by Morocco in exciting fashion), and then drive off to Williamston to pick up my CD player which was finally repaired. I wanted to get younger son to drive there but he was a bump on a log and I just didn't have the energy or patience (mainly patience) to prod him. So, I grabbed Fleetwood Mac's Tusk CD for drive time listening (yeah, going through a bit of a Fleetwood Mac jag--which was actually already sort of the case even before the passing of Christine McVie). It's about a 15-20 minute drive to Williamston--essentially a straight line from my house. Vintage Sound was humming with activity when I arrived. It's a narrow little storefront shop off the main drag in Williamston. They sell all variety of, well, vintage audio equipment: turntables, receivers, amplifiers, speakers, and used vinyl and CDs. In other words, a place where I could easily become addicted to and tempted to spend too much money. It's a good thing it's a little out of my way. 

It cost me a mere $50 for my repaired CD player. It has a brand new belt and I hope is ready and raring to go for another 15 years at least. Maybe this time I won't leave a stray CD in there that will fall underneath the carousel and eff the whole thing up. (In fairness to that stray CD--Oasis' Definitely Maybe--it took it 15 years to wreck the CD player. I am sure I left it in the player back in 2007 when we moved from our old place to our current house. I had spent years wondering what happened to that CD and when it was obvious it was lost--somewhere--I bought a replacement. I am sure there are plenty out there that might say that the CD goblin was doing me a favor by disappearing Definitely Maybe).

I returned home and watched the England/France World Cup game (I know I should probably refer to it as a "match" and not a "game"). I'd make a "I see England, I see France" joke, but I have far too much dignity to do that. I am, however, slightly disappointed I did not see any of the players' underpants. The match was exciting--as has been almost every competitive soccer game I have ever seen. It's easy to see how the entire world loves the game. It seems like the United States is slowly coming around.

Well, the cat is bugging me. So I must abruptly end this.


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