Spilled coffee, snowpocalypse, and The Godfathers

My morning, for all intents and purposes, started with me spilling my coffee all over the place at Starbuck's. I ordered ahead and stupidly tried to pick up the coffee by its lid. Guess what? The lid was barely on the cup. Disaster ensued, but thankfully none of the spilled java ended up on me. I just had to wait about five minutes for the barista to make a new cup of joe for me.

The rest of the workday was fine and reasonably uneventful.

Now we wait to see if snowpocalypse/snowmageddon hits with the ferocity that has been predicted. As I write this, it is snowing outside. It's not too bad yet, but we'll have to see what it's like tomorrow. I just hope older son can make it home without incident.

Today's drivetime listening was The Godfathers' 1987 album Birth School Work Death. I grabbed the CD impulsively this morning. Eighties crunchy guitar rock just seemed to fit the bill. (I still have not purposely listened to any Christmas music in December). I don't know that the subject matter of "Birth School Work Death" (the song) was exactly life-affirming or joyous this morning. It definitely takes on new meaning the older you get.

It's now late and I'm tired. If I am going to keep this "post-a-day" challenge going, I better post it now.


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