A night with Better Call Saul

Day 23 of the "post-a-day" marathon. I'll give everyone a temporary respite from 1984 albums.

Just spent an hour or so watching the show Better Call Saul (the prequel to Breaking Bad, discussed over a decade ago in this blog), as older son is making his way through the series. Damn, I almost forgot how intense the show is: in particular the episode arc I which Saul Goodman collects a drop of seven million dollars in the New Mexico desert to bail Lalo Salamanca out of jail, and nearly dies in the process. (Lalo is one of the scariest television villains I've ever seen. He is both charming and terrifying at the same time. Actor Tony Dalton should have been nominated for an Emmy or two).

Lalo Salamanca (portrayed by Tony Dalton)

Now we are on the episode in which Lalo, having threatened Saul and Saul's wife Kim (in a super tense scene), splits from Albuquerque and Saul and Kim sequester themselves in a hotel to avoid Lalo's associates.

Okay, back to Better Call Saul. Later, folks!


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