Some dull content for ya...

In trying to get a post in every day this month, which at this point has become a Brainsplotch yearly tradition since, uh, 2022, inevitably there'll be some days in which the content kinda sucks. Today might be one of those days.

When I say, "suck," I don't mean "sad," I just mean "inconsequential," "mundane," "dull as fuck," "exciting as watching paint dry."

So, here's the deal. It's a little past 11 o'clock and I'd like to get some reading in before I go to bed. I am almost done with the Redd Kross book, Now You're One of Us. I am enjoying it quite a bit and maybe will write about it a bit in here.

On a whim, we started watching an old British sitcom from the early aughts called Black Books. It's about a rundown, disorganized bookshop in London guessed it...Black Books. The store is run by a misanthrope guessed it again...Black (Bernard Black, to be precise). The first two episodes were amusing, so we'll stick with it. I think it's only about 18 episodes total, so not a big investment of time.

I think I have some content in line for tomorrow, so Wednesday should be better than today's nonsense.

I'm off to read now. Nighty-night!


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