I got nothin' (or at least, very little)

The worst part of this "31 posts in 31 days blog-as-advent-calendar" approach is that some days, I got nothin'.

Well, I don't have anything too interesting, anyway.

It was just a bland day at work, followed by a trip to Home Depot (or "Home Despot," as I like to call it) to pick up patching caulk and mollies for some home fix-it.

Then I was home to bring in the trash and recycling bins, cursing that it's pitch black outside by 5:30 PM.

I watched college basketball from 7-9 PM, and then worked on another 1984 album revisitation that I hope to post  in the next few days. No spoilers, but they are nice British lads.

And now, I have to check and see if my FitBit is recharged because I have to get my 10,000 steps in.


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